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"Jesus is your friend--the friend--with a human heart, like yours, with most loving eyes that wept for Lazarus. And as much as he loved Lazarus, he loves you..."
---St. Josemaria Escriva
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Help for your belly
Friday, November 12, 2010
Obamacare Hits the Most Vulnerable
Obamacare hits the most vulnerable
Read about an Obamacare tax that will hit wounded veterans and sick children beginning 2013. People should know about this.
Read about an Obamacare tax that will hit wounded veterans and sick children beginning 2013. People should know about this.
O'Reilly: Merger Make MSNBC Less Liberal
Fox News host O'Reilly suggest merger will make MSNBC's coverage less liberal
And what a breath of fresh air this would be!
And what a breath of fresh air this would be!
Tweeting Abortion
Tweeting Abortion
Tim Drake relates that "Those who brought us the “I Had an Abortion” T-shirts and other abortion-wear, are now proudly tweeting about their actions on Twitter." Disgusting.
Tim Drake relates that "Those who brought us the “I Had an Abortion” T-shirts and other abortion-wear, are now proudly tweeting about their actions on Twitter." Disgusting.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Pope Reminds Spain to Advance Morally
Not Giving Up on Spain
"In his homily, the pope praised the technical, social and cultural progress made over the years. However, he said, a country must also advance morally.
He asked that courts, legislative bodies and society respect and defend the sacred and inviolable life of the child from the moment of conception.
“For this reason, the Church resists every form of denial of human life and gives its support to everything that would promote the natural order in the sphere of the institution of the family” based on marriage between a man and a woman, he said."
"In his homily, the pope praised the technical, social and cultural progress made over the years. However, he said, a country must also advance morally.
He asked that courts, legislative bodies and society respect and defend the sacred and inviolable life of the child from the moment of conception.
“For this reason, the Church resists every form of denial of human life and gives its support to everything that would promote the natural order in the sphere of the institution of the family” based on marriage between a man and a woman, he said."
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Bacon Flavored Pop
Now here is a novel idea. Just when you thought there was nothing new under the sun. I am waiting on bacon flavored toothpaste, but I will settle now for bacon flavored soda pop.
Biggest "Christ the King Statue"
A crane lifts the head of what will be the world's largest statue of Jesus Christ in Swiebodzin, Poland, on Nov. 6, 2010. Dubbed "Christ the King," the massive statue rises 170 feet above the town. Construction was finished over the weekend, and Father Sylwester Zawadzki says the statue will be officially consecrated on Nov. 21.
Christ the King Statue
Christ the King Statue
How to Grow in Virtue
Here is a good little article in How to Grow in Virtue. Virtue will make you happy and will change the world around you. Here is an excerpt.
"Given our fallen human nature, we will always struggle with an inclination toward sin. This is why we need to reach out to a power outside of us that can enable us to live the virtues in a way we could never do on our own."
"Given our fallen human nature, we will always struggle with an inclination toward sin. This is why we need to reach out to a power outside of us that can enable us to live the virtues in a way we could never do on our own."
Monday, November 8, 2010
Former President Bush on NBC Tonight
President George W. Bush: Seeing Unborn Baby Shaped Pro-Life Views
Tonight on NBC, President Bush will be interviewed by Matt Lauer regarding his new book, Decision Points. He will discuss how his pro-life views were formed.
Tonight on NBC, President Bush will be interviewed by Matt Lauer regarding his new book, Decision Points. He will discuss how his pro-life views were formed.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Secure America: Reverse the Decline in Military Capability
Don't Cut Military Spending
Jim Talent reminds us that the United States Military is 40 % smaller than it was in 1991.
"Earlier this year, Congress created a blue-ribbon independent panel to review the Pentagon’s strategic plans and concluded that the military was headed for a “train wreck” unless the basic inventories of the services were recapitalized."
China's is aggressively increasing its military capability. Rogue nations present the threat of acquiring weapons of mass destruction soon. With terrorism now a constant threat on American soil and abroad, America would serve its citizens well by increasing and modernizing its military capabilities.
As Reagan stated, “Of the four wars that happened in my lifetime, none occurred because America was too strong.”
Jim Talent reminds us that the United States Military is 40 % smaller than it was in 1991.
"Earlier this year, Congress created a blue-ribbon independent panel to review the Pentagon’s strategic plans and concluded that the military was headed for a “train wreck” unless the basic inventories of the services were recapitalized."
China's is aggressively increasing its military capability. Rogue nations present the threat of acquiring weapons of mass destruction soon. With terrorism now a constant threat on American soil and abroad, America would serve its citizens well by increasing and modernizing its military capabilities.
As Reagan stated, “Of the four wars that happened in my lifetime, none occurred because America was too strong.”
"Without Respect for Life, Freedom is in Jeapordy," says Boehner
1 Catholic Speaker Gives Way to Another
From a humble beginning, Congressman John Boehner lives the American dream and wants to share that dream with every other American, including the unborn.
“When human life takes a back seat to other priorities — personal comforts, economics — freedom is diminished. By contrast, when we affirm the dignity of life, we affirm our commitment to freedom,” Boehner said.
From a humble beginning, Congressman John Boehner lives the American dream and wants to share that dream with every other American, including the unborn.
“When human life takes a back seat to other priorities — personal comforts, economics — freedom is diminished. By contrast, when we affirm the dignity of life, we affirm our commitment to freedom,” Boehner said.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Year of the Black Republican
The Grand Old Party: More Minority and "Grizzlier" Than Ever
Jerome Hudson at Human Events gives an excellent account of what the media wants to go unnoticed: the Tea Party Movement is full of black republican and other minorities . Gotta love his quote, "conservatism is for the little man....liberalism (forever denied by the left) is for keeping the little man little."
Jerome Hudson at Human Events gives an excellent account of what the media wants to go unnoticed: the Tea Party Movement is full of black republican and other minorities . Gotta love his quote, "conservatism is for the little man....liberalism (forever denied by the left) is for keeping the little man little."
Friday, November 5, 2010
Roosevelt or Obama, the American People Vote "No"
Voters Reject Obama's Big-Government Ambitions
A historical parallel is made between the big government policies of Franklin Roosevelt and Barak Obama. A resounding "no" was given Tuesday night reminiscent of that same "no" given 60 years ago.
A historical parallel is made between the big government policies of Franklin Roosevelt and Barak Obama. A resounding "no" was given Tuesday night reminiscent of that same "no" given 60 years ago.
GOP: Remember Reagan's Words
A Caution to the GOP
Reagan said, “We cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide … there is no cause more important for preserving that freedom than affirming the transcendent right to Life of all human beings, the right without which no other rights have any meaning.”
Reagan said, “We cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide … there is no cause more important for preserving that freedom than affirming the transcendent right to Life of all human beings, the right without which no other rights have any meaning.”
Clinton a No-Run for 2012, 2016
Clinton Rules Out a Presidential Run Through 2016
Here it is: Hillary Clinton announces that she will not run for president in 2012 or 2016. Sure hope that's right.
Here it is: Hillary Clinton announces that she will not run for president in 2012 or 2016. Sure hope that's right.
When Your Hot Your Hot
NASA is Building a 'Solar Shield' to Protect Power Grids from Space Weather
"A massive coronal ejection could knock down entire power grids for long stretches of time, grinding economies to a halt and making life more than a little inconvenient."
So says the article in PopSci. The peak season for solar flares will be in 2013. Two things I take from this article: 1. The Weather Channel should put this in their lineup for predicted "Weather" and 2. I think this would definitly give tanning salon's a run for their money. I smell a lawsuit coming, No, wait, that's just singed hair.
Healthcare Law not going away?
Health-Care Industry Still Braces for Change -
This Healthcare mandate will be so far reaching that it will spread into non healthcare industries
This Healthcare mandate will be so far reaching that it will spread into non healthcare industries
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Thursday, November 4, 2010
Your Health Care Privacy Exploited
Privacy Advocates Fear Massive Fed Health Database
This massive federal health database should be feared by all Americans. Read how the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) plans on building a database that will contain health information about Americans which could be shared with law enforcement officials, researchers and the government itself. Yikes! What about our Right to Privacy? This is socialism front and center.
This massive federal health database should be feared by all Americans. Read how the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) plans on building a database that will contain health information about Americans which could be shared with law enforcement officials, researchers and the government itself. Yikes! What about our Right to Privacy? This is socialism front and center.
Huckabee, Romney Top the Polls
Poll: GOP Candidates Top Obama in Hypothetical 2012 Race
No front runner, but polls released by CNN/Opinion Research Corp Thursday say Huckabee and Romney top the list of contenders.
No front runner, but polls released by CNN/Opinion Research Corp Thursday say Huckabee and Romney top the list of contenders.
Pro-Life Women: Providing Authentic Female Leadership in Washington
Pro-Life Women Win: 23 Abortion Opponents Win Key Senate, House Races
Pro-life women will be helping to undo the damage that President Obama and progressives have unleashed these last two years. Tired of the lies they have been fed for almost fifty years, women are ready for change.
Pro-life women will be helping to undo the damage that President Obama and progressives have unleashed these last two years. Tired of the lies they have been fed for almost fifty years, women are ready for change.
Happiness with Your Meal will be Illegal
Government says "No more happy for you...Fatso!"
This is crazy! California just tried to make it legal to smoke pot but you cannot have a toy with your meal. Would Prop 19 have made it legal to give a joint with your Happy Meal. That would give new meaning to your forage at Micky D's. I hope Ronald sues the state and gets some monopoly money out of this deal.
This is crazy! California just tried to make it legal to smoke pot but you cannot have a toy with your meal. Would Prop 19 have made it legal to give a joint with your Happy Meal. That would give new meaning to your forage at Micky D's. I hope Ronald sues the state and gets some monopoly money out of this deal.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Roll Call, Please....
Republican Wave Bigger Than 1994
Emily Goodin at The Hill gives a running tally of the republican winners.
Emily Goodin at The Hill gives a running tally of the republican winners.
Marco Rubio: Bringing 21st Century Solutions
Rubio: Win Gives GOP Second Chance to Do What We Promised
by Newsmax
Rubio's rise to the Senate demonstrates the vitality and reality of the Tea Party Movement. These rising stars of the conservative movement give America much hope for a new and brighter future.
by Newsmax
Rubio's rise to the Senate demonstrates the vitality and reality of the Tea Party Movement. These rising stars of the conservative movement give America much hope for a new and brighter future.
A Midcourse Correction in Congress
Conservatives Offer Vision For Future
Read what top conservatives have to say about last night's election results at Human Events.
Read what top conservatives have to say about last night's election results at Human Events.
Just Plain Mad!
Why are these people so mad. Guess they are Democrats and maybe that is a Tea Party Car? Why does the car not drive away?
Why are these people so mad. Guess they are Democrats and maybe that is a Tea Party Car? Why does the car not drive away?
Did They See it Coming?
Did they Psychics see this coming? The Govenator in Cali says you gotta spend your own money to get your palm read.
Did they Psychics see this coming? The Govenator in Cali says you gotta spend your own money to get your palm read.
Miracle Catch
The article lists the doctor as the "savior" but if you have "eyes to see" coincidences don't just happen. The awning mechanism was broke the night before and the doctor just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Glory be to God!
The article lists the doctor as the "savior" but if you have "eyes to see" coincidences don't just happen. The awning mechanism was broke the night before and the doctor just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Glory be to God!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The Role of DNA in the Human Person
More Than the Sum of Your DNA
Michael Baruzzini at Catholic Exchange provides clear evidence that "human beings cannot be simply explained as the product of molecular reactions." Baruzzini will show you that discoveries in genetics point to something that "Catholic philosophy has insisted on all along". An excellent and exciting article.
Michael Baruzzini at Catholic Exchange provides clear evidence that "human beings cannot be simply explained as the product of molecular reactions." Baruzzini will show you that discoveries in genetics point to something that "Catholic philosophy has insisted on all along". An excellent and exciting article.
More Anti Child Rhetoric
Contraception Could Be Free Under Health Care Law
This is disgusting and more of the anti-child rhetoric. Pregnancy is not an illness, so says the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Pregnancy is a gift and often a call to come back to God. How many times has a child brought their parents closer to God? And of course, the notorious Planned Parenthood comments that free birth control brings the world fewer pregnancies. Are we supposed to be happy?
This is disgusting and more of the anti-child rhetoric. Pregnancy is not an illness, so says the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Pregnancy is a gift and often a call to come back to God. How many times has a child brought their parents closer to God? And of course, the notorious Planned Parenthood comments that free birth control brings the world fewer pregnancies. Are we supposed to be happy?
This is NOT China, it is America. Thank God for Sidewalk Counselors.
Pro-Life Advocates Help Prevent Forced Abortion in Austin
This is not China, it is America. Thank God for the sidewalk counselors of Austin, Texas, for helping a girl and her baby be saved from forced abortion. This may be the child who grows up to find a cure for cancer or becomes the politician or judge who helps overturn Roe vs. Wade. Or maybe he will become a janitor or sales clerk. Every life has dignity because God made that life for a particular mission in this world that only that person can do. The entire abortion mindset is one of eliminating the inconvenient, the seemingly unimportant. Let it be heard: no one is unimportant or unessential in this world. Every human being, from the moment of their conception which they themselves are entitled to, has a right to life.
This is not China, it is America. Thank God for the sidewalk counselors of Austin, Texas, for helping a girl and her baby be saved from forced abortion. This may be the child who grows up to find a cure for cancer or becomes the politician or judge who helps overturn Roe vs. Wade. Or maybe he will become a janitor or sales clerk. Every life has dignity because God made that life for a particular mission in this world that only that person can do. The entire abortion mindset is one of eliminating the inconvenient, the seemingly unimportant. Let it be heard: no one is unimportant or unessential in this world. Every human being, from the moment of their conception which they themselves are entitled to, has a right to life.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Since When are Americans Enemies of One Another?
Apparently our President has strong feelings toward a large group of people he considers his enemies, which is probably me and you. Check out Adam Tragone's telling article at Human Events here and you can also watch the speech on video.
The GOP Will Not Compromise on Abortion, Boehner Says
So nice to hear some talk of real hope and change. Boehner, the future speaker of the house, said the GOP will not compromise on the abortion issue. "We will permanently end taxpayer funding of abortion and codify the Hyde Amendment," Boehner said.
The GOP is committed to the document they released in September, The Pledge to America. Read more about Boehner and his comments at Lifenews here.
The GOP is committed to the document they released in September, The Pledge to America. Read more about Boehner and his comments at Lifenews here.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Pope Honors All Women through St. Bridget of Sweden
St. Bridget, Example to All Women This week the Pope is honoring all women everywhere as he proclaims St. Bridget of Sweden an example for all Christian women to follow, especially mothers and widows. St. Bridget lived in the 14th century, which was "a time before western Christianity had been wounded by division" and he said that she could
"intercede effectively before God to obtain the much-awaited grace of the full unity of all Christians."
Bridget was married for 28 years to her husband, Ulf, and together they had 8 children, one of them being St. Catherine of Sweden, a testimony to the care and education they gave to their children. She endeavored to build a domestic church in her home and had a very special and spiritual marriage with Ulf. The Pope goes on to say that "not infrequently, as happened in the lives of St. Bridget and Ulf, it is the wife who with her religious sensibility, with delicacy and gentleness, is able to make the husband follow a path of faith. I am thinking, with recognition, of so many women who, day in day out, still today illumine their families with their testimony of Christian life. May the Spirit of the Lord fuel the sanctity of Christian spouses, to show the world the beauty of marriage lived according to the values of the Gospel: love, tenderness, mutual help, fecundity in generating and educating children, openness and solidarity to the world, participation in the life of the Church.their families with their testimony of Christian life."
The Pope continues, "The second period of Bridget's life began when she became a widow. She renounced further marriage to deepen her union with the Lord through prayer, penance and works of charity. Hence, Christian widows can also find in this saint a model to follow."
"In fact, the great Christian tradition recognizes the dignity proper to women," the Pope goes on to say, as he honors this woman of great femininity and contribution to Europe and all of Christendom.
After her husband's death she began the order of Brigittines which included both monks and nuns. She also experienced a series of divine revelations which are composed in a set of eight books entitled "Revelationes" which can be purchased here or here.
Pray for us, St. Bridget, to follow in your steps of Christian faith, hope and charity.
"intercede effectively before God to obtain the much-awaited grace of the full unity of all Christians."
Bridget was married for 28 years to her husband, Ulf, and together they had 8 children, one of them being St. Catherine of Sweden, a testimony to the care and education they gave to their children. She endeavored to build a domestic church in her home and had a very special and spiritual marriage with Ulf. The Pope goes on to say that "not infrequently, as happened in the lives of St. Bridget and Ulf, it is the wife who with her religious sensibility, with delicacy and gentleness, is able to make the husband follow a path of faith. I am thinking, with recognition, of so many women who, day in day out, still today illumine their families with their testimony of Christian life. May the Spirit of the Lord fuel the sanctity of Christian spouses, to show the world the beauty of marriage lived according to the values of the Gospel: love, tenderness, mutual help, fecundity in generating and educating children, openness and solidarity to the world, participation in the life of the Church.their families with their testimony of Christian life."
The Pope continues, "The second period of Bridget's life began when she became a widow. She renounced further marriage to deepen her union with the Lord through prayer, penance and works of charity. Hence, Christian widows can also find in this saint a model to follow."
"In fact, the great Christian tradition recognizes the dignity proper to women," the Pope goes on to say, as he honors this woman of great femininity and contribution to Europe and all of Christendom.
After her husband's death she began the order of Brigittines which included both monks and nuns. She also experienced a series of divine revelations which are composed in a set of eight books entitled "Revelationes" which can be purchased here or here.
Pray for us, St. Bridget, to follow in your steps of Christian faith, hope and charity.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Have You Voted?
The future Speaker prays. How refreshing it is to have talk like this making air and internet waves.
Here's a quote from Boehner when speaking to conservative talk radio host Mike Gallagher,“I’ve been praying all day, every day,” “Trying to make it through this election and make sure our team is successful.” “(Prayer) does work. You’ve just got to stay at it every day and build a closer relationship with our Savior.”
Boehner is a practicing catholic who is not afraid to tell the nation that we need God's help. Join Boehner in casting your vote for the Republican Party and renewing our nation to God.
Here's a quote from Boehner when speaking to conservative talk radio host Mike Gallagher,“I’ve been praying all day, every day,” “Trying to make it through this election and make sure our team is successful.” “(Prayer) does work. You’ve just got to stay at it every day and build a closer relationship with our Savior.”
Boehner is a practicing catholic who is not afraid to tell the nation that we need God's help. Join Boehner in casting your vote for the Republican Party and renewing our nation to God.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

In Carthage a magnificent basilica was erected over the tomb of the martyrs, the Basilica Maiorum, where an ancient inscription bearing the names of Perpetua and Felicity has been found.
Following are some of the words of St. Perpetua which she wrote while she in prison, awaiting her martyrdom, and the words of an eye witness who took over her writing when she was sent to the wild beasts:
"While" says she, "we were still with the persecutors, and my father, for the sake of his affection for me, was persisting in seeking to turn me away, and to cast me down from the faith — 'Father,' said I, 'do you see, let us say, this vessel lying here to be a little pitcher, or something else?' And he said, 'I see it to be so.' And I replied to him, 'Can it be called by any other name than what it is?' And he said, 'No.' 'Neither can I call myself anything else than what I am, a Christian.'
"Then my brother said to me, 'My dear sister, you are already in a position of great dignity, and are such that you may ask for a vision, and that it may be made known to you whether this is to result in a passion or an escape.' And I, who knew that I was privileged to converse with the Lord, whose kindnesses I had found to be so great, boldly promised him, and said, 'Tomorrow I will tell you.' And I asked, and this was what was shown me. I saw a golden ladder of marvellous height, reaching up even to heaven, and very narrow, so that persons could only ascend it one by one; and on the sides of the ladder was fixed every kind of iron weapon. There were there swords, lances, hooks, daggers; so that if any one went up carelessly, or not looking upwards, he would be torn to pieces and his flesh would cleave to the iron weapons. And under the ladder itself was crouching a dragon of wonderful size, who lay in wait for those who ascended, and frightened them from the ascent. And Saturus went up first, who had subsequently delivered himself up freely on our account, not having been present at the time that we were taken prisoners. And he attained the top of the ladder, and turned towards me, and said to me, Perpetua, I am waiting for you; but be careful that the dragon do not bite you.' And I said, 'In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, he shall not hurt me.' And from under the ladder itself, as if in fear of me, he slowly lifted up his head; and as I trod upon the first step, I trod upon his head. And I went up, and I saw an immense extent of garden, and in the midst of the garden a white-haired man sitting in the dress of a shepherd, of a large stature, milking sheep; and standing around were many thousand white-robed ones. And he raised his head, and looked upon me, and said to me, 'Thou are welcome, daughter.' And he called me, and from the cheese as he was milking he gave me as it were a little cake, and I received it with folded hands; and I ate it, and all who stood around said Amen. And at the sound of their voices I was awakened, still tasting a sweetness which I cannot describe. And I immediately related this to my brother, and we understood that it was to be a passion, and we ceased henceforth to have any hope in this world.
The day of their victory shone forth, and they proceeded from the prison into the amphitheatre, as if to an assembly, joyous and of brilliant countenances; if prechance shrinking, it was with joy, and not with fear. Perpetua followed with placid look, and with step and gait as a matron of Christ, beloved of God; casting down the luster of her eyes from the gaze of all. Moreover, Felicitas, rejoicing that she had safely brought forth, so that she might fight with the wild beasts; from the blood and from the midwife to the gladiator, to wash after childbirth with But He who had said, "Ask, and ye shall receive," gave to them when they asked, that death which each one had wished for. For when at any time they had been discoursing among themselves about their wish in respect of their martyrdom, Saturninus indeed had professed that he wished that he might be thrown to all the beasts; doubtless that he might wear a more glorious crown. Therefore in the beginning of the exhibition he and Revocatus made trial of the leopard, and moreover upon the scaffold they were harassed by the bear. Saturus, however, held nothing in greater abomination than a bear; but he imagined that he would be put an end to with one bite of a leopard. Therefore, when a wild boar was supplied, it was the huntsman rather who had supplied that boar who was gored by that same beast, and died the day after the shows. Sarturus only was drawn out; and when he had been bound on the floor near to a bear, the bear would not come forth from his den. a second baptism.
Moreover, for the young women the devil prepared a very fierce cow, provided especially for that purpose contrary to custom, rivalling their sex also in that of the beasts. And so, stripped and clothed with nets, they were led forth. The populace shuddered as they saw one young woman of delicate frame, and another with breasts still dropping from her recent childbirth. So, being recalled, they are unbound. Perpetua is first led in. She was tossed, and fell on her loins; and when she saw her tunic torn from her side, she drew it over her as a veil for her middle, rather mindful of her modesty than her suffering. Then she was called for again, and bound up her dishevelled hair; for it was not becoming for a martyr to suffer with dishevelled hair, lest she should appear to be mourning in her glory. So she rose up; and when she saw Felicitas crushed, she approached and gave her her hand, and lifted her up. And both of them stood together; and the brutality of the populace being appeased, they were recalled to the Sanavivarian gate. Then Perpetua was received by a certain one who was still a catechumen, Rusticus by name, who kept close to her; and she, as if aroused from sleep, so deeply had she been in the Spirit and in an ecstasy, began to look round her, and to say to the amazement of all, "I cannot tell when we are to be led out to that cow." And when she had heard what had already happened, she did not believe it until she had perceived certain signs of injury in her body and in her dress, and had recognised the catechumen.
And when the populace called for them into the midst, that as the sword penetrated into their body they might make their eyes partners in the murder, they rose up of their own accord, and transferred themselves whither the people wished; but they first kissed one another, that they might consummate their martyrdom with the kiss of peace. The rest indeed, immoveable and in silence, received the sword-thrust; much more Saturus, who also had first ascended the ladder, and first gave up his spirit, for he also was waiting for Perpetua. But Perpetua, that she might taste some pain, being pierced between the ribs, cried out loudly, and she herself placed the wavering right hand of the youthful gladiator to her throat. Possibly such a woman could not have been slain unless she herself had willed it, because she was feared by the impure spirit.
Holy martyrs, pray for us that we, who live in times similar to Rome but much more insidious and deceiving, may be strengthened by your faith and stand firm in our dedication to our Lord and his church. Amen.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
We have been sick with a very yucky cold. I have caught it twice because it ripples through our family and takes about 2 weeks to leave! It reminds me that suffering is an opportunity: an opportunity to become more like Christ because it humbles us.
Do we need to travel the 7 seas or be in great places to do great things for the Lord? It is through our daily and often little sacrifices, our opportunities, that we can become more holy and more like Christ. Our sicknesses, our irritations, our daily duties that often repulse us bring opportunities to raise to great heights in the spiritual life. Thomas A Kempis says an unmortified spirit is our greatest hindrance. Our mortifications teach us to love. If we die to our self in daily, small ways, and allow humility to take root, we are freed. We are free to love: to love the Lord, to love our self and to love our neighbor. Blessed are the poor in spirit.
Do we need to travel the 7 seas or be in great places to do great things for the Lord? It is through our daily and often little sacrifices, our opportunities, that we can become more holy and more like Christ. Our sicknesses, our irritations, our daily duties that often repulse us bring opportunities to raise to great heights in the spiritual life. Thomas A Kempis says an unmortified spirit is our greatest hindrance. Our mortifications teach us to love. If we die to our self in daily, small ways, and allow humility to take root, we are freed. We are free to love: to love the Lord, to love our self and to love our neighbor. Blessed are the poor in spirit.
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